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Killing fields : Diara lands at Bihar.

Killing fields in Bihar where human bodies chopped into pieces after brutal killings !


November 19th, 2017

Our Bureau/

Riverine Naugachia once known as ‘ killing field of Bihar’ however still has the privilege to know for its notoriety. Brutal murders with chopping of human bodes into pieces and subsequently thrown into river beds of Ganga or Kosi for disappearing evidences has still the mode of operands of the goons.

Sudhir Kumar, superintendent of police, Naugachia narrated such a sensational incident. The incident started with disappearing of 4 youths Shrwan Choudhary (25), Pradip Jha (24) from Narkatiya village, under Kharik PS, along with Choutu Choudhary (30) and Sourav Kumar alias Karay Roy (26) of Gouripur, under Bihpur PS,  all volleyball players and among them Sourav a national level volleyball player, were invited by one Pinka Jha, a noted history sheeter of Gouripur to participate a volleyball tournament at neighbouring Khagaria district.

Chotu Choudhary.

Rs 5000 remuneration for playing the games was assured and on November 13 the youths in playing dress proceeded for Khagaria by two motorcycles. The four were given shelter at Akha village under Parbatta PS at Khagaria in the afternoon of the day. Next day, on the name of the game, they were brought to Choti Lagar village under Parbatta PS. They stayed at the house of one Chunchun Yadav at the village, Kumar said.

Sourav Kumar.

A party was arranged there in which the four were provided some sedative in liquor and subsequently beaten mercilessly before short them dead there. After killing, their corpuses were chopped into pieces and threw into river Ganga, Kumar said on the basis of the confessional statement of one Rohit Kumar, a native of Tutti village under Parbatta PS who has been arrested by Khagaria police.

Sharwan Choudhary.

Talking with media Kumar said that the family members of the victim youths suspected following their disappear and also lost of their mobile connectivity. “Finally they approached police here and we assigned Parbatta police to trace out the youths. Police yet not recovered the bodies of the deceased but during investigation police managed to nab Rohit who confessed the sensational episode before police,” Kumar said adding that on the basic of Rohit’s statement police recovered evidences like blood strains, some cloths  of the victims and other items from river bank of Ganga at Choti Lagar village. However the two motorcycles and the mobiles of the deceased yet not  traced out.

Pradip Jha.

All such evidences were collected by forensic team from the spot and sent to the laboratory for further investigation. Pinku Jha, was the mastermind of the incident and there were 7 more criminals involved in the incident. Police started combing operations along with Khagaria police for arresting them all,” Kumar told.

Sources at Gouripur said  the incident was the result of gang war in diara belt of the riverine areas of Ganga.  Pinku’s elder brother and a  noted criminal Late Kailash Jha who was killed in 2006 at Sonwarsa daira by his opponent, Rama Sangahi over the dispute of capture of crops on diara lands. After Kailash’s death, Pinku renewed the enmity with Rama and his group.

On the otherhand, Kalu Roy, father of one of the deceased, Sourav has good relationship with Rama. “Pinku wanted to eliminate Kalu’s family so he targeted his son Sourva. But since the three other deceased boys were good friends of Sourav, so Pinku hatched the conspiracy to eliminate them all. He selected the place where many of his relatives also living,” a confirmed village source reveled.

However, irate villages mob this morning blocked NH-30 near the residence of superintendent of police, Naugachia police district against the brutal murder of four village youths including a national level volleyball player. The youths who were missing earlier, were brutally killed and their corpuses were flown into river Ganga before chopping it in pieces to destroy the evidences.

Sudhir Kumar, superintendent of police, Naugachia however within an hour managed to control the village mob which assembled from Narkatiya, Gouripur and other villages falling under Kharik PS with assurance of prompt policing for arresting all culprits involved in the heinous crime.

Deputy inspector general of police, Bhagalpur zone, Vikash Vaihav has expressed his serious concerned over the incident. He instructed SP, Naugachia to ensure arresting of all the culprits immediately. “Though dead bodies yet not recovered but all the exhibits were recovered and police came to know about the culprits involved in the incident. SP Naugachia has been instructed to crack down the goons and intensify combing operations against them,” Vaihav told reports at Bhagalpur.

“Inaccessible topography and the vagaries of Nature has instrumental behind such crimes. The Nature makes local inhabitants strong enough to face all adverse challenges which sometimes reflects in the heinous natures of crimes committed by them. Secondly, gross apathy by government machineries towards the sizable population at diara lands. In such scenarios, struggle for the fittest remains only option there,” said Pro. Vijay, a teacher at TMBU and expert in river and diara affairs here.

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