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Meeting of Press Club.

Media men in politics : not for copying dirty political pictures rather for promoting a forgotten international heritage site


March 30th, 2018

Our Bureau/

Media persons now have taken the role of politicians; not for hobnobbing in dirty politics rather for the cause of  reviving a world heritage site !

Reporters from print, TV channels and news portals for the first time history in this ancient historical region decided to open their pens against the vindictive attitude of Bihar government to neglect Vikramshila Buddha Mahavihara, the ancient world University which once not only enlighten the world with best quality education but also strengthened the roots of Buddhism in the world.

Agenda : Vikramshila related works !

In the first phase, politicians from this region are under the scanner of media, informed Rajiv Siddharth, president of Press Club of Eastern Bihar (PCEB),  a registered body of the scribes here. “ We have decided to create pressure on the public representatives from this region  against their inactivity to initiate for promoting Vikramshila Buddha Mahavihara in the map of tourism,” he said.

“We would not tolerate the  indifferent attitude of the government  not to promote Vikramshila Buddha Mahavihara, the ancient world University in the tourism map. We strongly condemned the government for delaying the much awaited central varsity in the name of this ancient seat of learning here,” said Pradeep Vidhrohi,a member of the club from Kahalgaon.

Over three dozen reporters from different print and news channels and news portals under the banner of PCEB, a registered body of the reporters here, in a meeting and decided to expose the government’s attitude more vividly and also highlight the silent features of Vikramshila and Dipanker Srighyan Atisha. Atisha, a renowned Acharya of this varsity for whose contribution, Buddhism and Lamaism could  sustain in today’s world, said many speakers in the meeting.

“ Places like Bodh Gaya, Nalanda or Rajgir has been placed in the Buddha Circuit and even World heritage center of UNESCO but it is very unfortunate that no step yet been taken for Vikramshila. It is Vikramshila and Dipanker Srighyan Atisa for which Buddhism could survive in the world today,” said

Under utter neglect the world heritage laying unnoticed.

Siddharth. According to him first time  questioners would be prepared on Vikramshila and the respective public representatives would be asked to fill it up. “It would be our approach to make them woke up from slumbers so that they to mount pressure on the government for this world heritage site presently laying in shambles condition,” said Anuje Kumar Shivlochan, general secretary of PCEB.

PCEB is scheduled to utilize all positive forces to mobilize the public representatives while keeping in mind the coming general polls on 2019.

“Public resentment is running high in the entire region against the delay by the government for providing 500 acres of land for the proposed central sponsored central varsity here, public representatives would have to answer the mass on Vikramshila related issues,” said Pawan Kumar Choudhary, another member of the club. He also alleged that due to the hostile attitude of the government, archaeological survey of India (ASI) also taking less interests for the conservation and renovation of the ancient ruins at the half-excavated site of Vikramshila which directly has an adverse impact on the historical edifices of the ancient world varsity.

Kumar Rajesh, assistant general secretary of the club however said that it has been decided in the meeting that  besides writing frequently on Vikramshila affairs, a national level seminar with joint collaboration with Tilka Manjhi

PCEB members presenting souvenir on Vikramshila to GGM, NTPC , Kahalgaon, K Sreedhar. The Souvenir was unveiled by president of India during his visit to Vikramshila last year.

Bhagalpur University (TMBU) would be conducted soon in which national level historians would present their views on this ancient seat of learning.

Sivshanker Singh Parijat and Prof. Raman Sinha, two historians who has been working on Dipanker Srighyan Atisa said such initiative taken by PCEB would be fruitful for establishing the original birthplace of Dipanker. Prof. Behari Lal Chou, HOD-cum-coordinator, ancient Indian history culture and archaeology, Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University said such approach would pave way to know more hidden facts of Vikramshila and Dipanker. “My department is always ready to cooperate the media persons for such a great cause which for the first time initiated by the reporters here,” he acclaimed.

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