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Protest against NRC &CAB?

Political gimmicks add fuel to fire : India is burning, political parties busy yielding vote banks from NRC & CAB


December 19th, 2019

Our Bureau/

National Register of Citizen (NRC) and Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) has now created much confusion throughout the country, nonetheless created turmoil almost all the parts of India.

News5Pm team minutely watching the states like Bengal, north eastern states etc where violence disrupted normal lives. The team talked number of experts, common people and also with politicians from different political parties.

Media reports (sorry to say) creating much confusion and most of the media houses adopted the ideologies of the politicians. Hence, the editorial board of News5Pm has decided to serve the truth behind the controversy, hope our readers could be satisfied with our findings.

Some misleads and false arguments on CAB :-

News5pm is not a mouthpiece of BJP and union home minister Amit Shah but with the introduction of CAB in the parliament, Amit Shah has saved more than 40 Lakh Bengali speaking Hindus who forcefully migrated from Bangladesh and over two lakh Chakma Buddhists. This is the hard reality.

After the death of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Bangladesh virtually converted into a Islamic country. The Hindus (lower caste) have to face immense torcher, both physically and mentally in Bangladesh since then. Such Hindus earlier during the partition of 1947 and even after the war of 1971 (born of Bangladesh) did not migrated to India. Because, the community members didn’t have the mentality or even were not in position like upper caste Hindus to migrate to West Bengal. Many of them had immense faith on Sheikh Mujibur and joined as Muktiyoddha during the war of 1971 against Pakistan. Many such Hindus also lost their lives in that war.

But the scenario changed soon after the demise of Sheikh Mujibur, they had to face the ugly faces of fundamentalist Muslims. Funded by the middles easts the Muslim fundamentalists started brutality with the community member, set their houses on fire, forcefully converted them into Islam, raped and murdered the girls and women and looted their properties. Apart from the fundamentalist Muslims, orthodox religious bodies like Jamaate Islami etc started capturing the socio-political prospects in Bangladesh which gradually speeded up infiltration by the community members, across the border of Bangladesh to different neighbouring states of India mainly to West Bengal. “After losing everything even the modesty of our female members we crossed India’s border just to save our lives. We had to handover our money to BSF personnel at the border and had to face tremendous mental torcher also,” remembered in tearful eyes many who once entered in the country as Bangladeshi lower caste Hindu evacuees. Local residents in villages and towns here also witnessed how the “have notes” silently started entering to their areas from early eighties.

Prasun Achariya, a veteran journalist of Kolkata recalled what exactly he witnessed while covering such mob from Bangladesh at the bordering localities in West Bengal. “ I was with Bartaman ( a leading Bengali daily) covered many areas and surprised to witness the aged people in tearful eyes. They did not have anything except some old cloths on their bodies. Managed some space under the open sky, gradually started living inside huts made with leaves (polythene sheets were not in practice at that time). Life was not stopped, they had to pay BSF, local police apart to the local Dadas ( grass root level political leaders). Even their grown up girls and young female members had to share beds with the BSF, police or the local Dadas. In return, they were assured to live inside India.

Many started daily wagers works, started pulling curt or rickshaw and the female members engaged them domestic helpers’ works in the areas. Some young girls and the young homemakers used to reach Sealdah railway station from the suburban places and returned back in early morning to their places by local trains . They earned some little money in the dark hours in the brothels at Harkata Golly or Sonagachi or the street corners on the heart of the city of joy (Kolkata).

Who will responsible for such huge loss of public properties?

Not only on the heart of Kolkata, the seen was akin at many districts in West Bengal. Majority of such people were low caste Hindus along with a few upper caste Hindus. Many of them were from Matua community. Right from the early eighties up to 2005 (  Khaleda Zia ‘s tenure) the picture was same at the suburban districts/places in West Bengal.

Same situation was prevailing at Assam and Tripura. Assam always has surplus cultivated lands. Rate of the lands were comparatively low there. But the Ahom people (native of Assam) has less interested in agricultural activities. Such immigrants ( both Hindus and Muslims) managed  to settle down there with hectic agricultural works. They even converted forest lands and water bodies into agricultural fields while many started their new occupations as wage labourers in the agricultural fields.

Badiruddin Ajmal’s party AUDF however managed to include many names, mostly the immigrant Muslims into NRC at Assam.

Do you imagine the exact number of Hindu immigrants from Bangladesh? They are not less than 20 Lakhs in West Bengal as per established sources. Their number at Assam is expected to be 15 Lakh including 12 lakh people who were disqualified on NRC list. Similarly, Tripura has over 5 lakh such immigrants; all together approximately some 40 lakhs.

They formulated a type of liberation force like the Tamils at Sri Lanka. They had their lethal weapons and handmade grenades. They started demanding for their  separate  homeland, a separate nation inside Bangladesh.

On wards 2006, the scenarios had started changing gradually in the bordering parts of West Bengal, the immigrant families gradually increased and their economic conditions also started improving. Many of them have started possessing voters’ cards and PDS cards. However, they even today are not in position to show documents concerned for establishing their citizenship in India. During the last tenure of left front government (Buddhadev Bhattacharjee) the situation in the bordering districts of West Bengal remained the same with mushrooming Bangladeshi immigrants’ problems.

Kolkata witnessed a big rally on December 28,2010 which was organized by Matua people for the first time . They  demanded citizenship for the first time. That time when Matua community rang the alarm bell in West Bengal, left front government was uprooted and the word ‘Matua’ became common even among the elite circle of Kolkata metropolitan. But the leaders like Tathagat Roy (BJP), Mukul Roy (TMC) Joti Priyo Mollik, Gautam Dev (CPM) and many had supported the demand raised by the Matua community. But the demand of that day finally  has fulfilled by Amit Shah recently.

Now the question raised- did Muslim infiltrators not came across from Bangladesh during last 300 years? They certainly entered into India’s territory but Assam witnessed them maximum. According to different sources which calculated on the basis of census, there are approximately not less than 8 lakh such Muslim infiltrators from Bangladesh and their names were not in the NRC at Assam. IN West Bengal, according to intelligence report maximum such people settled at two districts of Dinajpur followed by Malda, Pakur, Sahebganj in Jharkhand, Kishanganj, Araria, Purnea at Bihar. “The population graph of such areas dramatically increased during last 20 years,” the report mentioned.

Many such people adopted Hindi as their language and migrated to different places like Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai or Bangalore and adopted different occupations so just to conceal  their originality. The female members manage domestic helpers’ works while the males manage rickshaw pullers or mansion’s occupations. In fact, they entered India in search of greener pastures just like the Muslim youths of war-torn middle east to different parts of Europe or Latin youths from Mexico to America. But after passing of CAB, countdown likely to be started for them and the recent turmoil was the cause of their anxiety. And BJP wants it.

Chakma people (Buddhist) are the largest ethnic group in the Chittagong Hill tracks in southern Bangladesh. But the religious intolerances and continuous planed attacks on them by Muslim fundamentalist groups at Bangladesh, made the Chakmas to slip inside India’s territory. They entered Mizoram (they are in the second largest number) and Tripura (forth largest) also at Arunachal Pradesh (some 60-70 thousand) and Manipur and Meghalaya. CAB will now confirm their citizenship but the local tribals in the north east states are out busting anger over the confirmation of citizenship to their “unwanted guests”. But Chakmas have started celebrating CAB.

Assam sets on fire :-

Ahomiya (Assam residents) supported NRC as because they are opposing the confirmation of citizenship of immigrants (both Hindu and Muslims) from Bangladesh. If the immigrants who migrated to Assam after 1971, would get the citizenship, Ahomiya will be deprived off with language, culture, occupations and ownership over landed properties. Political parties like BJP, Congress, CPM, regional parties along with extremist groups all have started supporting NRC. This is a vital point to consider.

NRC was scheduled at Assam on 1951, but postponed. A MoU was scheduled on 1985 between the than PM, Rajiv Gandhi and ASSU, the student body there, which was not possible. But 1971 was fixed as cut of year as it was proposed. During Tarun Gogoi’s region, a writ petition was filled with Supreme court of India. The court in its verdict on 2016, ordered to conduct NRC. BJP didn’t  go to knock the door of law at that time.

Sources from  ASSU claimed that the figure of delisting on NRC was not 40 lakh but it is nearly some 19 lakh. It is alleged that there were gross mistakes in the NRC chapter of Assam but despite of the errors, more than 12 lakh immigrant Hindu Bengali speaking people will be the beneficiaries of CAB, they will get the citizenship. Entire lower Assam (Dibrugarh, Guwahati, Jorhat ) is set on fire to protest against the confirmation of citizenship to Hindu Bengali speaking people.

But the scenario at Barak valley, ie, Silchar-Kachar is quite different, people have started celebrating the event. It is to be mentioned here that the region has four Lok Sabha seats.

Turmoil at Tripura :-

Tribals at Tripura do not want immigrant Hindu Bengalese from Bangladesh became their neighbours with confirmation of citizenship. Tribal men and women jump on the streets to protest. BJP however remains silent. But the Hindu Bengalese at Tripura who are majority  there,  celebrating the event there.

Tension at Manipur :-

Manipur is Hindu dominated state where people are from the school of Vaishnav concept. But people there started opposing the confirmation of Chakma Buddhists.

Intellectuals & BJP’s rival political parties adopt strategies :-

“How the landless poor people will establish themselves as the original citizens of India. See what has happened at the chapter of NRC at Assam?” is the common perception of people from this group.

Well, their anxieties are genuine but why they are keeping silence over the rampant vandalism and subsequently the huge loss of railway and public properties?

Who are they participating in damaging public properties?

On the otherhand BJP and its rival clearly divided into two camps; BJP wants to mobilize Hindu vote banks while other concentrate on Muslim vote banks which mostly the composite of such Muslim immigrants. “What exactly happens at West Bengal? Who are the rioters who were pelting stones on running passenger trains and damaging railway properties?” asked many.

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